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    Products from Stardock


    Stardock - ingenious solutions for the small everyday problems on the computer

    It doesn't always have to be a revolution in the use of computers that a company covers with an innovative product. It's often the supposedly smaller ideas that make a real difference to the usability of products. The manufacturer Stardock has made a name for itself with its practical tools, which are mainly used in the private sector. With products like Fences, Start 10 or Groupy, Stardock solves problems that many users didn't even know could be solved.

    After all, progress in the development of operating systems such as Windows 10 or Windows 11 is all too often at the expense of users who have appreciated certain functions for years or decades, but which are suddenly no longer available. Or these are functions that users have always wanted, but which are simply not supported by the operating system.

    Practical tools from Stardock that make your everyday life easier

    With its tools, Stardock doesn't want to create any "egg-laying lily-livered sows" that can do everything. Rather, the developers want to solve certain problems of users and thus significantly facilitate the workflow on the computer. Have you ever wondered, for example, why the clear management of content with tabs, which is standard in Internet browsers, is not also possible in Windows Explorer? How nice would it be to be able to combine applications and files into individual groups using drag & drop and arrange them manually or even automatically as desired?

    The clear switching between different Explorer windows via tabs would make many of your activities easier and faster? Stardock has asked itself the same questions and presented an excellent solution with Groupy. With this tool, you can use the tab management you are used to from the browser to work with Windows Explorer as well. Applications and files can be grouped together with just a few mouse clicks and arranged and managed much more clearly. Groupy is a successful example of a function that you would actually expect from the operating system ex works, but have always looked for in vain until now.

    Keeping useful habits in the new operating system with Stardock

    The design and the handling of Windows have always caused discussions among users. With each new version and the adaptation of the operation, one had to get used to new functions and procedures, which one did not know from the old version. Since man is a creature of habit, the changeover is particularly difficult for some functions. A prime example of this was the departure of the familiar layout of the classic Windows Start menu.

    The versions that came after Windows 7 experimented with all sorts of innovations. The tile layout of Windows 8, optimized for mobile devices, or the developments of Windows 10 and Windows 11 have completely changed the old Start menu and actually even abolished it. Especially switchers who have held on to the old operating systems so far and don't want to give up the familiar environment have a real problem, which Stardock solves with the handy Start 10 for Windows tool.

    With it, you get back your familiar Start menu as you knew it from the classic Windows versions. Accessing system functions or searching for specific terms is made much easier, and the old "All Programs" overview of installed software is also available again. In addition, Start 10 also supports you in the visual design and adaptation of the modern Windows versions to your familiar working environment. Users who prefer a classic look will definitely do just fine with this tool.

    Fences from Stardock brings order to the chaos of your desktop

    As soon as you have worked with Windows for a while, a problem arises on your desktop. Countless shortcuts, icons of installed programs as well as documents pile up like papers on the real desktop. Over time, this becomes so confusing that you spend more time looking for a specific icon than you do finding a function directly through Windows Explorer. Besides, it just looks chaotic and doesn't look very professional, especially in a professional environment.

    Now, icons and file symbols can also be arranged manually or automatically under Windows, but this procedure is often frustrating because it is not a perfect solution. Even worse: After updates or system malfunctions like a messy shutdown of the PC, the chaos on the desktop is often even worse than before because the personal arrangement has been reset. With Fences, Stardock offers a great solution for this everyday problem as well. With it, you can arrange all contents of your desktop into individually defined fields in the future. You have the full freedom to manually intervene or to have the arrangement done automatically. The sorting can be done according to various parameters or individual ideas - and it can be restored at any time if the system changed its mind.

    Buy your Stardock products quickly and easily from us by purchasing the desired license and downloading the software directly - without any waiting time or shipping of data carriers.
